Mac Magazin/MacEasy 12
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 12.iso
BT 2.0.1⁄PPC Updater Folder
Release Note(E)
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BeachText and BeachGEAR are trademarks of
SOUGOU System Service LTD.
Apple and Apple logo are registered trademarks of
Apple computer,Inc.
Macintosh,Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple computer,Inc.
KanjiTalk is trademarks of Apple computer,Inc.
Another trademarks of products belong to each retaining company.
This document supplement information and main changing points
which didn't carry the Manual. please read it for more useful using
BeachText 2.0.
[Changing Points]
QuickDraw GX printing is changed in Preferences(Print).
If BeachText doesn't compatibility with GX printer driver,you should use it.
It valid after restart BeachText.
[The Japanese Input method]
The Japanese Input method which is checked for compatible is....
1) Kotoeri
2) Katana4/KT7
3) MacVJE-Delta
4) WXII for Mac
5) ATOK8 for Macintosh
But if some Japanese Input method are installed at the same time,please don't change over using BeachText.
[Registered word of selecting text]
At KanjiTalk 7.x,if you register word after selecting text,a selecting
text is forwarded to "Word field".
This function can't be used,if inline input isn't effective.
[BeachText and desk accessories]
At KanjiTalk 7.x please don't install desk accessories to BeachText
directly. Because it can't input japanese to desk accessories.
[BeachText and Now Menus]
You can't use Hot Keys of Now Menus.
[BeachText and one of the capture utility]
Please don't use BeachText and the screen capture utility at the same
time. If you used,we don't warrant normal action of BeachText.
[NTX-J and SuperPaint]
If LaserWriter II NTX-J is printed a japanese document with
SaiMincho(ChuGothic),please don't paste a picture which is drawn
up in SuperPaint.
[If you use Version 1.x]
An icon is refined. Please rebuild the desk top file.
When the document edited using V1.x is opened,it sometime happens that the wrap line width and so on of it get out of line a little.
[Wrap Line Width]
On V1.x a fixed width field of a Wrap Line dialog meant a window width. But on this version it means a currently wrap line width.
[Change features]
It delete following functions which are used with low frequency.
1) Saving document of MacWrite form.
2) Balloon Help.
3) desk accessories edition.
[Development Environment]
We have tested and developed as following environment.
-Development Tools-
Metrowerks C/C++ 1.2.2
THINK Reference 2.0
Universal Headers 2.0.1
ResEdit 2.1.3
MacsBug 6.2.2, 6.5d12
The Debugger V2
System 6.0.7, 6.0.8, 7.1, 7.5, 7.5.1
KanjiTalk 6.0.7,, 7.1, 7.5
Japanese Language Kit 1.1
Macintosh Drag and Drop 1.1
QuickDraw GX 1.0.2j, 1.1.2
Power Macintosh 6100/60, Upgrade Card
Macintosh Plus, SE/30, IIsi, LC 575, Centris 650, Quadra 650
Macintosh PowerBook 100, 170, 165c, Duo 250
LaserWriter II NTX-J
[BeachText's personal history]
Released a Bug-Fix edition.
1) Fixed crash which would occur when BeachText 2.0 is started on
020(030) Mac + System 6.
2) After doing "Delete Line After", the text is damaged.
This has been fixed.
3) The menu is not changed after choosing Cancel Selection.
This has been fixed.
4) In some situations, cannot Undo after using Drag&Drop function.
This has been fixed.
5) Horizontal scroll bar cannot reach the right edge.
This has been fixed.
6) You can now use Inline Input when the font is 8 point of ASLFont+.
7) BeachText 2.0.1 becomes to work well with RAM Doubler 1.5.2a.
8) BeachText 2.0.1 becomes to work well with AutoDoubler
(using PatchGEAR01).
9) BeachText 2.0.1 becomes to work well with LaserJet 4L
(using PatchGEAR02).
Released a shareware edition.
Released each commercial edition.
Last released a freeware edition.
First released a freeware edition.
Copyriget (C) 1991-1995 SOUGOU System Service LTD.
All right reserved.